Mini Vinnies

SSVP was started by young people way back in 1833, that’s why we think it’s so important to have young people involved. Mini Vinnies are SSVP groups based in primary schools and are the youngest branch of our Vincentian family tree. They range from P4-P7 and meet together with a teacher or teaching assistant supporting them.
The main purpose is to help anyone one need by following our “See Think, Do” plan.
- SEE: Look around your school and local community to see who needs help.
- THINK: Plan how you could help.
- …and DO it!
It also provides wonderful opportunities for young people to share ideas and concerns, to have fun, learn ,pray and support each other. The SSVP model of faith in action is a great way to assist young people with thinking and talking about their spirituality – connecting their beliefs and values with service activities and issues in their community can help to make their faith real, meaningful and relevant.
Why join Mini Vinnies?
Becoming a Mini Vinnie is a great idea! It allows you to help other people which always helps you to know yourself better.
It can also be a useful part of preparation for the sacraments of Holy Communion and Confirmation. By learning how to be kind and thoughtful to others, we are drawing closer to Jesus. He asked us to always look out for the poor and the lonely and treat them with respect. The good works carried out as a Mini Vinnie contributes to your Pope Francis Faith Award!
When you join Mini Vinnies, you will get your own badge, prayer card and pencil. Being a Mini Vinnie is challenging, enjoyable and brings many new experiences. You will attend meetings led by a teacher or another adult from the school or parish (usually lunch time or after school), help with planning your activities, then give your time to help other people. Helping others always makes you feel good!

Starting a Mini Vinnies Group
Would you like to start a Mini Vinnies group in your school or parish? We’re here to help!
What you need
- Regular group meetings – at least fortnightly. These can be at lunchtime or after school. If a whole class forms the group, meetings can be anytime in the school day.
- An adult who can act as Group Adviser to provide support and guidance.
- A President and secretary elected by secret ballot. Other roles such as vice president and treasurer can be assumed when necessary.
- Our Mini Vinnie Guidebook, Click to download/print or request by email If you would like a printed copy posted please let us know.
And you’re good to go….though don’t forget
Contact us to let us know your group exists. We want to work with you providing support along the way and sharing your great works. We can’t do that if we don’t know you’re there. And we want to send you badges and pencils. The badges carry our new logo and being a Mini Vinnie is indeed something to be proud of!

Mini Vinnies in Action

“One day when I’m older I might need some help, so I help others now and then they might help me.”
Jesus said it was nice to help poor people so it will make him happy and brings us joy.”
“It makes me feel happy when I help someone.”
“Not everyone has as much to eat as we do. It’s horrible being hungry so I want to do the foodbank so everyone has something to eat.”
Download a guidebook today or email for more information